a very tall blue building with a sky background


Information and tips to answer your operational queries for all aspects of the Handsam online management systems for administrators and general users.

The Client Support Centre has had a makeover!

We've completely revamped the support website to make it easier to navigate and to give our clients the opportunity to download user guides to their devices.

As well as that, you can find details of many of the services that Handsam can offer including Training, Radiation services, estates management and more.

The User Guides

Handsam clients can now find additional help to complete compliance duties, use our online database, amend training details and more. All the guides have been updated and many new ones added to the library.

The guidance is divided into two sections: Administrator Support and User Support and within those sections, it's broken down even further. For example, if you had an issue with a user password, you could navigate to the User Support Menu, find the Passwords and Access guidance and look at the clickable list of options.


You may not know that Handsam can provide many different types of training support for school staff.


Our specialist health & safety, compliance and support E-Training package provides unlimited access to over 30 online training courses, comprising videos, resources and assessments.


In addition to the online courses Handsam provide through the eTraining package, we can organise many “Real World” courses for your staff.


This can be done by:

  • Email

  • Telephone

  • Remote Session

  • On-site training

Downloading the guides

If you want a hard copy of any of our guidance documents, they are all available to download. There's a download link with every user guide. Just click on that and you'll be taken to a DropBox page, where you'll be able to download the guide as a pdf. Don't worry if you haven't got a DropBox account, you can still download the file.