Handsam Edsafe Audits - A Review
Handsam’s rolling two-year average of the overall EdSafe audit score for the 2021/2 to 2022/3 academic years was 84.39%. The average for the past two academic years, 2022/3 to 2023/4, has been calculated as 88.17%. This is an increase of 3.78%, a ringing endorsement of the excellence, dedication and improvement shown by Handsam’s clients and their staff across the two most recent academic years.
Handsam Ltd are delighted to reveal that for the fourth academic year in a row since the Covid-19 pandemic began the average EdSafe audit score has increased – to a new record!
Drilling down into the 10 categories of an EdSafe audit, more good news is evidenced as all 10 showed an improvement year-on-year. The biggest improvement of 6.15% was seen in the Curriculum Safety category, while Leadership and Management improved 5.28% and Support Staff improved 5.05%.
Over the previous period, only one category had shown a decline in score, but for the most recent period Pupil Off-site Excursions now shows an increase of 4.14% to 93.63%, which now makes this the highest scoring category, just pipping Contractor Management, which averaged 93.05%, while Safeguarding & Security and Accidents, First Aid & Medicines also rated higher than 90%.
This heartening trend evidences how well Handsam Ltd supports its clients, but also how superbly client staff have enacted the support and guidance Handsam offers and made it live in their schools and academies, improving safety and compliance to record levels. Hearty congratulations to everyone!
The full results of the survey of Handsam’s last two years’ of EdSafe audits shows:

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Phone: 0333 207 0737