a black and white cat laying on top of a white wall

Staff Room Noticeboards

There are essential items that should be prominently displayed on noticeboards in a school staff room. These range from legally mandated materials to those illustrating useful information. All schools and academies are unique, so every noticeboard will look different, but here are some ideas for what a typical staff room noticeboard might contain:

1. Health and Safety Law Poster: Employers are obligated to exhibit the Health and Safety Executive's poster outlining health and safety laws. The most efficient and cost-effective method is to display this poster rather than providing individual copies to every worker.

2. Lockdown and fire safety policies,

3. Health and Safety Policy: It's advisable to showcase the school's health and safety policy, though it may not be feasible to display the entire document due to its length. Typically, the statement of intent, outlining the company's health and safety goals, is displayed, signed, and dated by the responsible individual.

4. Employers Liability Insurance: Displaying valid copies of your employer's liability insurance not only ensures compliance but also signifies your commitment to health and safety to employees and visitors alike.

5. First Aid Arrangements: Employers must establish appropriate first-aid procedures tailored to their specific workplace circumstances and risks. Clearly indicating fully trained and appointed first aiders on noticeboards can expedite crucial first aid during emergencies.

6. Fire Evacuation Procedures: In addition to first-aid arrangements, it's imperative to display fire precautions and evacuation procedures. This information should include general fire response instructions, escape route locations, designated fire wardens, and assembly point maps.

7. Occupational health details and contacts;

8. Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) details and contacts;

9. Health and safety posters for things like:

  • Stress

  • Voice care

  • Manual handling

  • Slips and trips

10. Team events calendar and reminders; and

11. Work performance

What Should a Good Staff Room Noticeboard Look Like?

Positive Effect

As long as noticeboards are regularly maintained and updated, communicating in this way can have a very positive effect on work performance and keeps staff informed about various aspects of health, safety and welfare arrangements.

It can promote productive behaviour, prompt tasks to be completed and allow staff to see important deadlines each day so they won't be missed.


On the HSE website on the Health and Safety Law poster page, they state:

The Health and Safety Executive has produced a range of health and safety law products. Employers are required, by law, to either display the HSE-approved law poster or to provide each of their workers with the equivalent leaflet (available as a free download).

If you choose to purchase the Health and safety law poster it must be displayed on all business premises. There are various versions of the poster, so that you can select the most appropriate for your business, depending on where in the UK your business is based.

The Health and Safety law poster products tell workers what they and their employers need to do in simple terms. Other products for employees, including leaflets and pocket cards, are also available. These provide employees with an essential version of the health and safety law poster that they can carry with them around the workplace.

The HSE also provides guidance on reporting accidents, including some useful templates. They are available to download HERE.

There is also HSE guidance available specifically for schools, including an accident book and a downloadable PDF containing information on how and when to report an accident to RIDDOR.